End of Life Care

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is an incredibly difficult time. We understand how emotional and overwhelming this time can be and we’re here to support you.

End of life care for pets focuses on ensuring your pet’s comfort and dignity. From managing pain to planning a peaceful farewell, knowing the available options can help you make the best choices for your beloved companion.

This care typically involves deciding between euthanasia or allowing your pet to pass naturally. It also includes palliative care options such as medications, adjusting their environment, and special diets to ease discomfort during their final days.

We’re here to guide you with compassion and help you make an informed decision during this sensitive time.


Euthanasia may be a kind and compassionate choice to prevent further suffering. If your pet’s quality of life has significantly diminished, due to age or illness, your veterinarian may recommend it. The decision is never easy, and we encourage discussing all options with your veterinarian to ensure the best care.

It can be an emotional time as owners say goodbye to their beloved pet and recognising when it may be time is part of the process. Signs like difficulty moving, loss of appetite, or noticeable changes in behaviour can indicate it’s time to consider euthanasia. Your vet can help assess these concerns and guide you through the decision.

At home or at the clinic?

You can choose to have your pet euthanised at the clinic or in the comfort of your home. This decision is personal and should be based on what feels most peaceful for both you and your pet.

If you’re considering home or clinic euthanasia,  please contact us.

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